70 New Arrivals Daily | 210 on Fridays!

Shipping Info

With 5DollarRecords.com Shipping is always $6 – for All You Can Ship in the U.S.

We Only Accept Orders From The U.S.

Yes, we appreciate larger purchases, so we pay all shipping above $6.

5DollarRecords.com ships all records in record mailers, via USPS Media Mail. We have had great results with USPS Media Mail. It keeps your cost low and has proven the best option.

Media Mail gives us a tracking number for each order.

We ship every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

While damage can happen, it has been rare, less than .1%, or 1 in 1,000 albums we have shipped.

How We Pack:

We ship up to 6 albums in one small box. We also have larger record boxes that ship up to 40. We have shipped as many as 500 records to single buyers. We pack with bubble wrap or cardboard fillers to make sure no records have space to move inside the box while in transit.

If you have problems regarding shipping, please see our Refund and Return Policy.


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